Many local college libraries are good sources of information. Students may visit the libraries to use their print materials. Montgomery College allows students with proper identification to borrow print materials. The school websites also have good web directories for homework help.
Creating Bibliographies, References, and Works Cited lists
A Bibliography is a list of all works that you consulted in the course of creating your project. A Works Cited Page (MLA) is a list of all the works that you actually refer to in your project. This template from the MLA will help you recognize the elements necessary to cite correctly.
Sometimes the list is the same, but usually the bibliography is longer. The format for both is exactly the same, unless your teacher instructs you otherwise.
Choose the correct format:
NoodleTools- creating your bibliography in either APA (usually used in Science classes) or MLA (used with English and Social Studies classes). Use your username and password to login.